Very Tall People (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 May, 2020  |
  • Views: 3024  |
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“My mom is very short. She takes pictures with all the tall people she meets. This is her number 3.”

1 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“Japan wasn’t made for us (my height is 6’7”)."

2 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“This is discrimination (my height is 5’1”)!"

3 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“My (4’11”) girlfriend and I (6’3″) were walking in the city. She got cold and hid under my T-shirt, so I turned into a pregnant guy."

4 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“Me (6’1”) with my best friend (4’11″)."

5 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I love window seats.”

6 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I’m 7’3” and I have arms like a gorilla."

7 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I’m 5’1’’. I used to think that tall girls would never want to date short guys. But I got myself together and started exercising. I found a girl who I’ve been dating for 3 and a half years. I love it when she wears high heels.”

8 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I’m 6’9” and I finally found a bed that fits!"

9 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“My height is 6’9” while normal door frames are 6’8″. I have to be conscious of every single door I walk through."

10 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I (5’5”) asked my crush (6’0’’) to our senior prom. I jokingly brought a stepladder to take the pictures, but we had a wonderful time together."

11 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“I look like Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles in my coworker’s car. My height is 6’7”."

12 Very Tall People (16 pics)

If you and your boyfriend are really tall, dinner turns into a quest.

13 Very Tall People (16 pics)

When you finally start to think that you’re not that short, this happens:

14 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“My school opted to make me a custom desk. It’s 10 inches taller than a normal desk and I’m 6’11”. I’m very happy!"

15 Very Tall People (16 pics)

“Dear airlines, tell me again, how is this safe? Let alone humane...”

16 Very Tall People (16 pics)


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