Smart Solutions (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 May, 2020  |
  • Views: 3176  |
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“No more smudging or lead on the hand!”

1 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“My 9-year-old daughter has taken an old lip balm tube and filled it with cheese so she can eat it in class.”

2 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“When traveling, I pack loose bobby pins in an old TicTac box.”

3 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Each bin is a dinner — I put everything I need for each meal in a bin and it’s a snap to pull it out and get cooking!”

4 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Wrap a piece of lettuce around one side of your sandwich or burger to keep the goods from falling out the other side.”

5 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

You can use stickers to identify your chargers among other similar ones.

6 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Use a food clip on your toothpaste.”

7 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Put the coat hanger through the loops on your jackets so they don’t slide off!”

8 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

A fork will keep your cookie safe!

9 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Grandpa: 1, trash panda: 0.”

10 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Highlight page edges in a book to find where you’ve previously written notes.”

11 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

You can slice old rubber gloves to organize cables.

12 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Wrap your Christmas lights up with cardboard.”

13 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“If you spill nail polish, pour sugar on it. After a few minutes, you can just sweep it away.”

14 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“A dollar store paper towel holder (literally $1) is now a scrunchie holder!”

15 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Use bobby pins to untie stubborn shoelaces.”

16 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“Light a candle before you shower to keep a section of the mirror un-fogged.”

17 Smart Solutions (18 pics)

“This is how I eat popcorn when the baby is around. When he asks for a piece, I give him the cauliflower.”

18 Smart Solutions (18 pics)


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