Parenting Memes (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Apr, 2020  |
  • Views: 1770  |
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“My daughter used markers to put ‘makeup’ on her dolls. I tried to wash them. Cinderella had an especially rough night.”

1 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

Wait, you can do that?

2 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“My 2-year-old daughter loves Grumpy Cat. My wife made her a Grumpy cake for her birthday today.”

3 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

Be an example to your children.

4 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

Now, this is smart.

5 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“My friend’s parents did him dirty.”

6 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

The difference between moms and dads.

7 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“My daughter finally realized that we don’t take her to Paris every weekend.”

8 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“I just swaddled my 6’3” 17-year-old son. He was jealous of his 21″ 3-day-old sister."

9 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“My daughter was having a tantrum and hid her face under a pillow. The results were divine!”

10 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

The power of dumplings.

11 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“I really need to figure out what they are doing to my son at school.”

12 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“I put my son in a Halloween onesie without thinking much about it and gave myself a heart attack at 2 AM.”

13 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

This is true optimism.

14 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“This picture was taken right as my little sister got nailed with a snowball by my dad. Merry Christmas!”

15 Parenting Memes (16 pics)

“How my friend sent her daughter to school today vs How she picked her up from school.”

16 Parenting Memes (16 pics)


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