Guess Their Age (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Apr, 2020  |
  • Views: 3613  |
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13 months or 30 years?

1 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Me, 14, looking like a 40-year-old Russian housewife.”

2 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Just turned 38. No one ever believes me.”

3 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

13 to 30 in one cut.

4 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Eyes of a 15-year-old girl, chin of a 30-year-old man...”

5 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Looking like a 50-year-old mama getting ready to go to church on a Sunday. I’m 13/14 in this pic.”

6 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

7 or 37?

7 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Last year somebody told me I look like I’m 20 AND 50. She was trying to insult me, but I loved it.”

8 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“This popped up on my newsfeed and I had to read her banner twice.”

9 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“This 31-year-old lady looks like a 16-year-old activist.”

10 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

So young, but already a chef.

11 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“My mom in 8th grade in the ’80s... a true icon.”

12 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“I was rocking the middle-aged mom look at 15.”

13 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“This dude from my friend’s new school is 15 years old.”

14 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“12-year-old me in my family photo. I look like the 35-year-old secretary who makes the best Christmas cookies at work.”

15 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Apparently I belong here. I’m 26.”

16 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“My niece, I was taking a picture of her and caught her on the down step running down a hill.”

17 Guess Their Age (18 pics)

“Cover the beard, 12-year-old schoolboy, cover the eyes, 38-year-old lumberjack.”

18 Guess Their Age (18 pics)


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