Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Apr, 2020  |
  • Views: 2903  |
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Quarantine Charcuterie made with fridge and cupboard scraps.

1 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

I ran out of breadcrumbs so I had to make do... Use chips as breadcrumbs, it works!

2 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

No buns? Crunchwrap Supreme Burger.

3 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Day 21 of Quarantine: White Trash Nachos: Potato Chips, Leftover Sloppy Joe, Random leftover cheese.

4 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

I present to you, quarantine cooking at it's finest: ultimate cheese pizza (cheese pizza with mac n cheese and grilled cheese).

5 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Dinosaur chicken nugget parmesan courtesy of my genius girlfriend.

6 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Mac and cheese chili dogs.

7 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Had no bread so pulled pork on Eggos.

8 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

When all takeaway stores are closed but you still got mad cravings.

9 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

I’ve been spending a little extra time on dinner lately.

10 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

When the grocery store is out of buns, you improvise, you adapt, you survive.

11 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Rainbow spaghetti with marinara.

12 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Egg wrapped egg.

13 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

The “we need to grocery shop but Coronavirus” hot dog.

14 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Pb&j Chimichangas.

15 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

I wanted nachos so I microwaved kraft singles on a tostada.

16 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

This is how we celebrated the last fresh pear and 1/4 red pepper in our quarantine food supply.

17 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you my finest creation... THE RAMEN OMELET.

18 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Tuna cheese toastie for the main course, pesto cheese toastie for dessert.

19 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Hashbrown, guac, chicken finger.

20 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Quarantine binge watching the Simpson led me to this monstrosity. The Homer Simpson Burger!

21 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Ran out of milk.

22 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

For me it is the McStruggle, the best quarintine sandwich.

23 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Day 19 of quarantine. We have started dyeing our food.

24 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Quarantine Day 5 - my wife wrapped a brownie in pie crust.

25 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Got high and made a spaghetti taco.

26 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Lasagna Sandwich.

27 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Chicken parm and angel hair on dinner rolls.

28 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

My wife said she found a recipe for making corn dogs in the air fryer. Sounded great. These little boner muffins are not what I was expecting.

29 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Fish finger and de-sauced beans on a bed of H.P. reduction.

30 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Fine dining during the quarantine.

31 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)

Archer Farms Buffalo wings with cocktail glass of ranch dressing. Pure C L A S S.

32 Quarantine Food Hacks (32 pics)


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