Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Apr, 2020  |
  • Views: 2486  |
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“My mother”

1 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mother, beautiful outside and especially inside.”

2 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My dad in 1944”

3 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mother when she was around 19. Miss her more than words can say.”

4 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My father at 24”

5 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mom from way back when”

6 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mother at 24”

7 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My dad in his mid 20s”

8 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My beautiful mom at 17”

9 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My dad and me in 1957”

10 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mom in her youth”

11 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My dad”

12 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mother Sara, 1947”

13 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My father at 18”

14 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My beautiful mama at 18 years old”

15 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My dad, who always looked like a movie star to me”

16 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My parents... I miss my dad a lot.”

17 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mom Brenda Jackson”

18 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My mother 40 years ago”

19 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)

“My father. So handsome”

20 Great Old Portraits (20 pics)


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