Bad Designs (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Apr, 2020  |
  • Views: 2217  |
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“This landmark in my town was gone for over 2 years due to restoration. This is what it looked like when it returned.”

1 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“You chose this out of all the design options?”

2 Bad Designs (17 pics)

The braille on the “alarm” and “stop” buttons on this bus are the same.

3 Bad Designs (17 pics)

This was supposed to be motivating.

4 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“Never quit. Do your best.” “Never do your best. Quit.” Someone must’ve decided that this is exactly how a normal person walks.

5 Bad Designs (17 pics)

This laptop keyboard’s design with white splatter-paint makes it look like it’s covered in dust and dandruff.

6 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“My boyfriend’s finger exerciser has 5 buttons. But how can you get the thumb to reach?”

7 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“A pillow at my grandparents’ house.”

8 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“Sample text.” A support pillar is placed in the middle of the aisle. It’s a dead-end behind it so you have to leave your shopping cart here and go around to take stuff.

9 Bad Designs (17 pics)

Meat packaging that makes the product look moldy.

10 Bad Designs (17 pics)

A private place that doesn’t look so private anymore...

11 Bad Designs (17 pics)

This image is supposed to represent working like a machine with each individual being a cog. But the gears can’t spin!

12 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“The handles on my kitchen counters are hard to grasp, hard to clean, and have a recess at the bottom that attracts crumbs and dust. There are 14 of them!”

13 Bad Designs (17 pics)

This 4-sided clock shows 2 different times. And both of them are wrong.

14 Bad Designs (17 pics)

“I love not being able to see the person I’m eating dinner with.”

15 Bad Designs (17 pics)

It doesn’t work this way.

16 Bad Designs (17 pics)

Bonus: Only the highest person in the world can open these blinds.

17 Bad Designs (17 pics)


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