Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

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  • 2 Apr, 2020  |
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Scold’s Bridle

If you have a witch on your hands, the Scold's bridle might be just what you're looking for. This nifty design features an iron muzzle that forces a broad metal rod inside the mouth of a witch. The rod presses down the tongue, preventing the witch from speaking her evil curses and enchantments.

1 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Shrew’s Fiddle

Also known as the "neck violin", the Shrew's Fiddle is similar to the pillory. But instead of being immobilized, the person trapped inside is able to move and walk around. The fiddle has two wooden boards with a hinge that locks the boards together in front of the face.

2 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Breaking Wheel

The breaking wheel provides fun and entertainment for many. Simply strap the offender to the wheel, give em a good Wheel of Fortune spin, grab a bat and practice your swing.

3 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Scavenger’s daughter

The Scavenger's Daughter is designed to compact a person until blood begins pouring out of the nose and ears. The metal A-frame allows a person to place their head at top of the A, the hands in the middle, and the legs at the bottom.

4 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

The Spanish Boot

Does your local delinquent keep escaping the stocks? The Spanish Boot can quickly keep him from running away ever again. Instructions are simple: Place the offender's leg in between the two metal plates, turn the crank to tighten the metal plates, keep cranking until the bones in their legs turn to powder.

5 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)


Fly like an eagle with the Strappado. This device is operated by tying the hands of a person behind their back and hoisting them into the air for all to see. Dislocated shoulders are expected.

6 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Knee Splitter

This device features two spiked wooden blocks with a screw at the back that clamps down on the front and back of the knee. One turn of the screw and, pop, they're never walking again.

7 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)


The Thumbscrew will be sure to keep any thief from ever stealing again. To operate, place a finger in the clamp and tighten until all that's left is a limp digit.

8 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

The Iron Chair

Covered in spikes and needles, this crafty little device is perfect for torture… or a nice session of acupuncture.

9 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Pillory and Stock

To deter thieves, mutineers, heretics, and more from committing criminal acts - check out the stocks and pillories. These devices are perfect for placing in a marketplace, town center, or even in your front yard for all to enjoy. (Be sure to have tomatoes on hand).

10 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Tongue Tearer

Have a vagrant in your town that can't keep their mouth shut? Simply rip that thing out with the specially crafted Tongue Tearer.

11 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Hanging Cage

Take a break from the hard-work of torture and just hang-out for a bit with the Hanging Cage. This torture device is designed to be way too small for a person's frame - better start working on your yoga poses.

12 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)


Easy as it sounds. Strap a person down and peel the skin like a potato.

13 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

Judas Cradle

If you're looking for one of the most extreme tools of torture (or are just really into kinky butt-stuff), the Judas Cradle can fill all your needs. Simply strap the tortured person into a harness attached to the ceiling, then lower the harness into position.

14 Scary Medieval Torture Tools (14 pics)

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