Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Mar, 2020  |
  • Views: 4587  |
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1 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

2 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

3 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

4 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

Husband posted how we got married at the courthouse today because we cant have our wedding due to Corona. And yeah, we've been in love since kindergarten.

5 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

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9 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

This is my son. He was born 11 weeks early, on Christmas Eve. He has a TEF/EA, has had a collapsed lung, CMV, is fed through a port in his belly, and has had other issues but gosh darnit if he just isnt the cutest dang thing you will see today! Still in the NICU for a few months. I love this guy!

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18 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

A couple wasn't able to go on their cruise for their 53rd anniversary, so they improvised.

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22 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

23 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

24 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

Injury at birth left rea with only the right ear. As she grew, it migrated to the top of her head, making her a unicorn!

25 Wholesome Pictures (25 pics)

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