Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Mar, 2020  |
  • Views: 3822  |
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English being creative

1 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

This is tricky.

2 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Why are rubber duckies yellow, and real ducks are brown and green?

3 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Why is the letter “W” called “double-U” even though it’s obviously double “V”?

4 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Why are the grades A, B, C, D, F? Why is there no E?

5 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Why are they called chicken fingers? Chickens don’t have any fingers.

6 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Why do they portray in cartoons that mice love cheese, even though they don’t?

7 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

Germany has another logic. If you are an English speaker, you are probably used to saying “twenty four.” However, in German, they switch the order and say “four and twenty.”

8 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)

The flags of Romania and Chad are almost identical.

9 Where Is The Logic? (9 pics)


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