Food Fails (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Mar, 2020  |
  • Views: 3107  |
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"Garlic burger from a local burger joint. My burps could kill a walrus right now..."

1 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Gluten and dariy free anchovie pizza."

2 Food Fails (25 pics)

3 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Dessert sushi made with gummy worms, Rice Krispie treats, and fruit by the foot."

4 Food Fails (25 pics)

5 Food Fails (25 pics)

6 Food Fails (25 pics)

7 Food Fails (25 pics)

8 Food Fails (25 pics)

9 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Chicken, rice and yoghurt."

10 Food Fails (25 pics)

11 Food Fails (25 pics)

"How my old workplace thawed chicken wings. Yes, that is the sink they wash dishes in. No, they did not clean it out before putting the chicken in. No, they did not clean it after taking the chicken out."

12 Food Fails (25 pics)

"My fave, plain chips and pickle juice. It’s like a sour cereal."

13 Food Fails (25 pics)

"18 and home alone for 6 weeks. Anyone want some cheese?.."

14 Food Fails (25 pics)

"My school's idea of breakfast."

15 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Papaya with condensed milk."

16 Food Fails (25 pics)

17 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Ugly ass cupcakes I made for my birthday."

18 Food Fails (25 pics)

19 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Dinosaur chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, bbq sauce and chocolate milk. 36 eating like I’m 6."

20 Food Fails (25 pics)

21 Food Fails (25 pics)

"My housemate made ‘bolognaise."

22 Food Fails (25 pics)

"YES, I’m eating plain rice with ketchup. And YES, it’s really good. And YES, I am broke. Why do you ask?"

23 Food Fails (25 pics)

"Fully loaded birthday dinner for one."

24 Food Fails (25 pics)

"My boss eats this depressing lunch every day..."

25 Food Fails (25 pics)

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