Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Feb, 2020  |
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“Sticking my hand out of a car window while it’s moving to make it jump like a dolphin against the wind pressure.”

1 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Going to bed with fresh linen.”

2 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Watching the galaxy form in my cup of coffee when I pour in the cream.”

3 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Removing my bra.”

4 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“On nice days I leave my front screen door open, turn off the tv and just listen to the sounds of the neighborhood. It’s so peaceful.”

5 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Today I had rather bummer day. I kicked a hit another stone and both just clacked in different directions. That made me smile.”

6 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Smelling the coffee beans before making coffee. It just smells so good.”

7 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Slapping a bag of rice as I walk by in the grocery store. I think it’s hilarious but my girlfriend just doesn’t get it.”

8 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“For some reason I really enjoy pressing all of the little buttons on top of take out cup lids. It’s very disappointing when they’re already pressed.”

9 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Mine is closing all the tabs on Google Chrome after working on a long assignment late at night and the sound of my laptop shutting.”

10 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Breaking the thin, white, crunchy ice on puddles in the Spring or Fall.”

11 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Libraries. It immediately takes me back to being a kid and it being the first real place where I was allowed to make my own decisions — to figure out what I liked and what I didn’t without any real risk.”

12 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Putting on pajama pants fresh out of the dryer.”

13 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“I use a mug and brush for my shaving cream, and I love the little ritual of getting that show on the road.”

14 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Telling people that look a little down that they look good today.”

15 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Ok, so this is weird, and I don’t know why I do this, but when I’m by myself and eating something, I like to wikipedia articles about the thing I am eating. For example; if I’m eating lasagna, I like to wikipedia “lasagna” and read about it. Again, I have no idea why I like to do this.”

16 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Stepping on crunchy leaves.”

17 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Drinking black coffee in silence.”

18 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Laughing at absolutely nothing with my 14-month-old son.”

19 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

“Hearing the rain tap on my window in the morning.”

20 Simple Guilty Pleasures (20 pics)

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