Living With Children (36 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Feb, 2020  |
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“I told my daughter she was too big for the baby walker. She didn’t listen to me.”

1 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My sister just had a baby and she brought her home today. My other niece was so mad that she packed up all her things and tried to leave.”

2 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My nephew is running away from home.”

3 Living With Children (36 pics)

“I’ve been looking for my keys since 9 p.m. I turned the whole house upside down and Ju Ju helped me to look for them, knowing that she left them in her mini-car.”

4 Living With Children (36 pics)

“She got mad that she wasn’t born before me, even though I’m 17 and she’s 4.”

5 Living With Children (36 pics)

“They have been standing like this for 5 minutes to see which one of them is more dominant.”

6 Living With Children (36 pics)

Who needs a bed if you already have a box?

7 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My 5-year-old niece wants a bunny, so she made this trap in the driveway.”

8 Living With Children (36 pics)

Well, that’s better than being constantly asked: “Are we there yet?”

9 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is my little sister.”

10 Living With Children (36 pics)

“I caught my niece eating frozen pizza rolls.”

11 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My daughter couldn’t get her phone charger out of the wall after washing her hands. So she decided to use this metal tool. Thankfully, she is okay.”

12 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My 3-year-old son thinks that this sign prohibits throwing balls at the ducks. Maybe he’s on to something.”

13 Living With Children (36 pics)

She probably knows a secret way to use rice that we’ve never heard of.

14 Living With Children (36 pics)

“This is the perfect spot for a nap.”

15 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My little sister wondered why her screen didn’t work.”

16 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My daughter was trying to hide when she was supposed to be in bed.”

17 Living With Children (36 pics)

“He made this Mr. Potato Head himself. Then he got scared, started to cry, and couldn’t look at it.”

18 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My kid insisted on putting a Band-aid on after losing a tooth.”

19 Living With Children (36 pics)

Well, at least they’re painting his back and not the wall.

20 Living With Children (36 pics)

“She had toothpaste in her mouth but she refuses to swallow it or to spit it out.”

21 Living With Children (36 pics)

She told me: “Daddy, let’s play hide and seek.”

22 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Mom asked him to add the eggs.”

23 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My beloved daughter came to me and asked, ‘Hey dad, what are you doing?’”

24 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Spent $150 on a pool for this kid who’d rather be in a paint container.”

25 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Whenever I get baby fever, I look back at the time my cousin got stuck inside of a claw machine.”

26 Living With Children (36 pics)

“This is pure torture and they’re just feeling it.”

27 Living With Children (36 pics)

Well, he didn’t mean to.

28 Living With Children (36 pics)

They really do need a lot of attention.

29 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Caught our child cheating while we were quizzing him for his test.”

30 Living With Children (36 pics)

Oh, the ideas they get in their heads!

31 Living With Children (36 pics)

“My 5-year-old just learned that 911 still works on old cell phones. He was playing cops and robbers with his brother... and apparently needed backup.”

32 Living With Children (36 pics)


33 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Come see what I put in the toilet!”

34 Living With Children (36 pics)

Now, this is a set-up.

35 Living With Children (36 pics)

“Silence in parenting is ALWAYS a bad sign. This is the moment she realized she can’t wash off permanent marker.”

36 Living With Children (36 pics)


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