Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Feb, 2020  |
  • Views: 2965  |
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My Dad celebrating rain on his farm in New South Wales, Australia.

1 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

My dad (in the background) loving the sight of his son being a dad.

2 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

3 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

The two wonderful siblings my wife and I have adopted this month.

4 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

Today was my first day in my power chair!! After 2 years of being homebound, I’m taking my first steps…rolls towards independence again.

5 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

6 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

My cousin, who has a rare developmental disorder, went on her first date yesterday before a dance. She’s so happy!

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Becoming my own superhero in my recovery from anorexia.

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My brother spent months digitizing reel-to-reel videos our dad took of us as kids. Even though he’s 90 and now has dementia, today dad got to relive it all.

10 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

11 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

My grandpa, hours before his passing, putting a smile on his newly born great-grandson.

12 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

While on vacation my 10-year-old daughter wanted me to walk on the beach with her right when I was in the middle of a good book. Reluctantly, I went because I knew it would make her happy. I took the best picture of my life on that walk. It makes me smile every time.

13 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

14 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

This is my sister at Disney for her Make A Wish. She lost her eyesight due to a brain tumor on her 14th birthday. This princess was so kind and she let her feel every part of her crown and dress. They really took their time with her and told her what she was feeling and the colors.

15 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

Thanks to this wonderful Dutch Ambulance Wish Foundation which fulfills last wishes, this terminally ill lady enjoyed her favorite painting in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

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I brought home a very sick 2-week-old puppy, doubting he would make it through the night. Today, I officially adopted him.

18 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

Filipino fans made this Kobe and Gigi mural overnight while mourning.

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After a woman was taken to the hospital with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), two policemen stayed behind to prepare dinner for the five kids who were still in the house. Afterward, they also did the dishes. Respect.

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Visiting a wolf I raised.

22 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

This legend from the holocaust survived 5 years in multiple concentration camps. After being liberated, he fled to America and fought in two separate wars. He then went on to become a physician and save lives! A true hero! It made me smile.

23 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

6yr old girl in my hometown sets up charity lemonade stand after seeing the news about the Australian wildfires. This is how our community responded.

24 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)

25 Heartwarming Stories (25 pics)


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