Scary Things (32 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2020  |
  • Views: 3400  |
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"MRI face scans."

1 Scary Things (32 pics)

2 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Just a paper towel on fire."

3 Scary Things (32 pics)

"I spend my work days checking up on our 1000+ storage units. Still haven't seen a ghost... Yet..."

4 Scary Things (32 pics)

5 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Birds filmed flying in slow mo make the world look like it’s come to a halt."

6 Scary Things (32 pics)

"I got to do my part in creating the worlds largest hairball last year! I’m officially a part of one of the worst things on earth!"

7 Scary Things (32 pics)

8 Scary Things (32 pics)

9 Scary Things (32 pics)

10 Scary Things (32 pics)

11 Scary Things (32 pics)

12 Scary Things (32 pics)

"I am a dental student. We take real human teeth that we have pulled out of people and stick them in wax, then place them inside of a fake human head and pretend it is a real human."

13 Scary Things (32 pics)

14 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Reflection on window looks like massive spaceship landing."

15 Scary Things (32 pics)

16 Scary Things (32 pics)

17 Scary Things (32 pics)

18 Scary Things (32 pics)

19 Scary Things (32 pics)

20 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Dummy of Sigourney Weaver on the set of Alien."

21 Scary Things (32 pics)

"It's as if the upside down dimension was real."

22 Scary Things (32 pics)

23 Scary Things (32 pics)

24 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Cuttlefish disguising itself as coral."

25 Scary Things (32 pics)

"A kid who hangs out by my work draws pictures for $5. I told him I wanted 'the weirdest thing you've ever made' and this was the result. Best $5 ever."

26 Scary Things (32 pics)

27 Scary Things (32 pics)

28 Scary Things (32 pics)

29 Scary Things (32 pics)

30 Scary Things (32 pics)

"Found in a bookstore behind a Stephen Hawking book."

31 Scary Things (32 pics)

32 Scary Things (32 pics)

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