Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Jan, 2020  |
  • Views: 3289  |
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“Tribute for my grandpa.”

1 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

Tattoos about the people we love don’t have to be super-realistic. Here is a great example.

2 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“We got tattoos to honor my sister. She had funny moles on her hands.”

3 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“My favorite scene, from one of my favorite movies.”

4 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

This is a shot from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

Scar-based fish tattoo

5 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“After a horrible car accident in July, the god of death swung and missed.”

6 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“Self-harm tattoo cover-up. Makes me feel a lot more comfortable wearing short sleeve shirts.”

7 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

Before and after, covering an iron stain. The artist did a great job.

8 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

A tattoo to honor my beloved dog.

9 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“Decided to get a tattoo to commemorate my trade/skill as an electrician. And since I work with my hands for a living, I thought, what better place to put it.”

10 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

Here is another person that decided to use his scar for a tattoo.

11 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“Minimal tattoo of my mom.”

12 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“Chick cow ski (how to say my last name.”

13 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“My wife and I got matching anniversary tattoos.”

14 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“My first major tattoo! It’s my pup Bentley, who has been the best part of my life.”

15 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“Wanted a piece to encompass my 2 loves — sewing and baking.”

16 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)

“My daughter asked if she could pick my next tattoo. Tonight I honored that request.”

17 Hidden Tattoo Meanings (17 pics)


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