OMG Pictures (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jan, 2020  |
  • Views: 4149  |
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Go in the woods in style.

1 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

I am a dental student. We take real human teeth that we have pulled out of people & stick them in wax, then place them inside of a fake human head and pretend it is a real human.

2 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

3 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

4 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

5 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

I got to do my part in creating the worlds largest hairball last year! I’m officially a part of one of the worst things on earth!

6 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

7 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

Kermit got locked in his car.

8 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

Cheesecake. Literally.

9 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

How my package was delivered to me by the delivery guys.

10 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

11 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

The sushi in this restaurant is delicious.

12 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

100% Ecological. Doesn’t need to be watered.

13 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

Made to help you run faster.

14 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

15 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

So, where are we going again?

16 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

The good news is that it works.

17 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

Your guess is as good as mine.

18 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

One day you buy a record and the next day it melts...

19 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

My mom cut my dog’s hair.

20 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

One sock and one shoe at the same time.

21 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

WTF is that.

22 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

23 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

This car in front of me at work today. The gate guard said I should have seen the front.

24 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

What kind of monster opened this can of Pringles?

25 OMG Pictures (26 pics)

26 OMG Pictures (26 pics)


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