Amazing Schools (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jan, 2020  |
  • Views: 1589  |
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School paints lockers as book spines to create an "avenue of literature."

1 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This school has a slide direct from classroom to playground. Childhood dream.

2 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My schools periodic table.

3 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

Hate getting stuck behind slow people on the stairs? My school just put these in everywhere on campus.

4 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

New preschool in Japan collects rainwater into puddles for kids to play in.

5 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

I found this in my school computer room.

6 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My school has skateboard parking.

7 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

Technical University Munich put slides in their building. I'm pretty jealous.

8 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

Our local high school has solar panel tables with Usb outlet ports for students to charge their devices.

9 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This vending machine at my school sells various school supplies.

10 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My daughter's first grade classroom has desks with pedals so kids can move while learning.

11 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My university has coasters that can test your drink for rape drugs.

12 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This just got installed at my school. A public work bench for your bicycle complete with tools and a QR code for common repair help!

13 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My university math lab chairs have binary on them.

14 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

Classroom clock.

15 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My school has a nap room.

16 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This Japanese kindergarten is built around a tree.

17 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My cooking class has a mirror on the celling so we can see what the teacher is doing.

18 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

How my university is helping us get over exam stress.

19 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This stapler is mounted outside of a classroom in one of my university's buildings. I have never seen this before, but it is a brilliant idea.

20 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

The science building in my university has periodic tables.

21 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This door in a math classroom.

22 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My son's school has a vending machine for school supplies.

23 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

Lovely counting stairs.

24 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My school gym has a complimentary sunscreen dispenser.

25 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My kid's new school has a twirly slide to get downstairs.

26 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This is how my university stops thieves.

27 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

This machine that detects sound-level at my university's library.

28 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My son's homework has a barcode that when scanned takes him to an instructional YouTube video posted by his teacher related to the lesson.

29 Amazing Schools (30 pics)

My university provides students with dogs as a stress reliever during finals week.

30 Amazing Schools (30 pics)


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