Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Jan, 2020  |
  • Views: 2193  |
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Wesley the blind cat and Hercules the boxer x mastiff, and their secret love affair, usually when they see a human they run in opposite directions.

1 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Morning kisses from Baby Alex to Thomas.

2 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Charlie meets with his sheeple.

3 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Bambi and the good boy.

4 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Helen, the blind buffalo, and her BFF Uma at Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary.

5 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

How to tame your cat.

6 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Piggy Sue and Phoenix have been friends from the very beginning at RASTA Sanctuary.

7 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Rescue puppy and Rescue pigeon pals.

8 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Best buds... New album dropping soon.

9 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Feeding the shoal.

10 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Champy and Morris are BFFs and are always hanging out together.

11 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Left the cage open for a minute and this happened.

12 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Best friends 6 years running. Tikko and apollo.

13 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Flippy's attempt at getting Hank in the Christmas spirit.

14 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

These are my boys Lou and Samwhise. They love to chill under the UV lamp together.

15 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

16 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

I want to live in this neighborhood, the street gangs are ridiculously cute.

17 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Snuggle buddies come in all sizes.

18 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Doggo Bringing Home His New Friend.

19 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Friendship knows no bounds.

20 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

You Are Now My Fren.

21 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

My Lucian and a Sea Otter - secret conference!

22 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

A peaceful turtle surrounded by butterflies.

23 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

When you rescue several kids at once and they have to live in the house until they're old enough to move outside with the big kids at Black Goat Farm Sanctuary.

24 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)

Tame Coyote Playing With The Cat It Grew Up With.

25 Unusual Animal Friendships (25 pics)


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