Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Dec, 2019  |
  • Views: 4881  |
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“People worked in gloves with me because of my psoriasis.”

1 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“Truth: I’ve had cellulite since I was 11 years old.”

2 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I can prove that ‘flawless skin’ is not needed to be successful.”

3 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“Believe me, comparing yourself to others won’t make you happy.”

4 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I would like everyone to understand that cellulite is a synonym for naturalness.”

5 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I like the pattern of my stretchies!”

6 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I’m okay with my rolls and creases.”

7 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I’m tired of dieting.”

8 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I love my body despite my stripes.”

9 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I wouldn’t feel ready for shoots at times, thinking that I could work out more.”

10 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I’m not ’brave’, it’s what I look like.”

11 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I’m unique with my ’flaws’.”

12 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I was taller than others and got lots of offensive nicknames.”

13 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I’ve struggled with acne since I was 15 years old.”

14 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“At the age of 11 or 12, I noticed my stretch marks.”

15 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I have curves and I’m okay with it.”

16 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“I was thin and tall and hated to look in the mirror.”

17 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

“They denied to shoot a cover with me and said I didn’t fit in the sample size.”

18 Non-Perfect Models (18 pics)

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