Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Dec, 2019  |
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1 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

2 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

3 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

4 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

5 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

6 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

7 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

8 Smart Trick From The Mailbox Owner (8 pics)

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№1 Author: styopa (6 Dec 2019 17:25) Total user comments: 1538

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What a sh*tty state.
I live in MN and we had a mailbox on a main county road (ie extra wide, so when that volume of snow was pushed to the shoulder it was a very large amount) so for about 3 years, at least once a year, our mailbox would get smashed - not on purpose, as in this case - but because the massive 'roll' of snow flowing out from the side of the plow would come under and lift up the mailbox, shattering the arm and tipping it all backwards. When we tried installing a stronger arm, it just shattered the vertical post.
So after 3 years of struggling, the county paid to put in a long arm swinging mailbox that when that happens, the arm is jointed and flexes out of the way. No longer a problem for 15+ years.
And they paid for it, no argument.

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