Family Life (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Nov, 2019  |
  • Views: 4590  |
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“Apparently my wife trapped a bee in her cup holder.”

1 Family Life (22 pics)

“I think my husband’s going to realize I borrowed one of his extension cords.”

2 Family Life (22 pics)

The struggle is real when your wife thinks you’re on a diet, but you are craving junk food.

3 Family Life (22 pics)

“I found out that our Volkswagen fits in the den. We’ll see what the wife thinks when she gets home.”

4 Family Life (22 pics)

“My dad is a huge Golden State fan, my husband is not. This is what my father woke up to this morning after a Raptors win!”

5 Family Life (22 pics)

“I took a picture of the moment my 2 kids realized all the donuts at the party had been eaten while they were off playing on the swings.”

6 Family Life (22 pics)

“I broke the toilet seat. This is how I told my wife”

7 Family Life (22 pics)

“My daughter trying to hide when she is supposed to be in bed.”

8 Family Life (22 pics)

This guy went to the delivery room with his wife to cheer her up.

9 Family Life (22 pics)

Family life can be exhausting.

10 Family Life (22 pics)

Husband said he was going to make a bed frame. Turns out it was for the cat.”

11 Family Life (22 pics)

“My mom gave my daughter 2 $1 bills. She took them upstairs and “made more money.”

12 Family Life (22 pics)

The wall was freshly painted.

13 Family Life (22 pics)

My daughter’s solution when her piggy bank deposit slot wasn’t wide enough to put rolled money into.

14 Family Life (22 pics)

“You left the toilet seat up.”

15 Family Life (22 pics)

What happens when the wife spends too much time in Target:

16 Family Life (22 pics)

“My daughter said the bagel wouldn’t fit in the toaster so I told her to cut it in half”

17 Family Life (22 pics)

“My wife forgot to leave the car seat for me to take our son to the babysitter’s house. This is the picture I sent when she asked how I was going to get him there.”

18 Family Life (22 pics)

“My husband, Ian, insisted that our new puppy Nala get her own stocking. I thought it was sweet until I realized he had ulterior motives”

19 Family Life (22 pics)

“Pettiness level 100,000,00; My husband was angry this morning so he decided he was only making his half of the bed.”

20 Family Life (22 pics)

This is what a husband gets for not emptying out the diaper genie.

21 Family Life (22 pics)

I told my brother he can eat half of my grapes

22 Family Life (22 pics)

When your 4-year-old daughter decides to give herself a haircut and the only words you can tell her are “It will grow back”

23 Family Life (22 pics)


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