Unusual Things (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Nov, 2019  |
  • Views: 3488  |
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This bell pepper that looks like a miniature pumpkin

1 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This pattern created in sandstone by waves

2 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

The for sale sign on this house says it’s not haunted

3 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

Tried to crack an egg this morning and this happened.

4 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This Pumpkin Thats Grown Into This Fence

5 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This shell in my sea salt

6 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This turmeric root my dad grew

7 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This smiley face that showed up in my beer last night.

8 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

There was a bone in my bacon.

9 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

A fry shaped like the nike swoosh

10 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This conjoined leaf

11 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This huge blueberry I found today!

12 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This root I dug up that grew around a brick

13 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

The shadow of my house melted perfect angles into the snow more than once

14 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

A miniature church so blind people can experience the shape of the church behind it.

15 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

I have a picture of a forest in my lamp.

16 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

These notched chairs to hold bags

17 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

How the smoke from our fire pit colored these spiderwebs black

18 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

Pringle’s dispenser by the can

19 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This pine tree fractal thing I found on a preserved duck egg

20 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

Stray Cat With Some Freaky Thumbs

21 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

Upside down house at my local shopping mall

22 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

Landlord cut down a thorny shrub. The wood is yellow.

23 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

The clouds I saw while walking my dog this morning

24 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

This rainbow pepper I had for lunch today!

25 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

One of neighbors built a mini skate park for his kid

26 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

A Mushroom Growing on the Side of my Wooden Chopping board

27 Unusual Things  (27 pics)

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