Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Oct, 2019  |
  • Views: 2593  |
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“I paid $8 for this.”

1 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“My girlfriend’s kitchen, everyone.”

2 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“This guy at my work never drinks the whole Coca-Cola.”

3 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“Donut murder”

4 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

Ankle hunter

5 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“This chandelier at the restaurant I ate at bothers me so much.”

6 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“This image speaks for itself.”

7 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“This ‘box’ of beef jerky”

8 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“The only reason why I hate glasses”

9 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“This is the way my mom watches TV, with things obscuring the screen.”

10 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“Boxes that open like this”

11 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“Every night like 2,000 times a night, having to fix this”

12 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“So thankful for my singular candy topping.”

13 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“Some leftover chocolate from Christmas”

14 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“The toilet paper at my university”

15 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“The ‘obstruction at my front door’ that prevented UPS from delivering my package...”

16 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“My jam filled donut”

17 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

"Thought I was charging my computer for a 6 hour road trip. Guess not...”

18 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“Every. Single. Time.”

19 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“My dad has had this laptop for 4 YEARS and he’s refusing to take the plastic protector off.”

20 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

Fake pockets

21 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)

“I tried opening a yogurt. How does this even happen?

22 Everybody Hates These Things (22 pics)


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