Try To Compare (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Oct, 2019  |
  • Views: 4042  |
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“The size difference between mine and my husband’s rings”

1 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“My grandpa and me in medical school, 70 years apart (equally sleep-deprived)”

2 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“Why did McDonald’s turn from a happy child into a depressive adult?”

3 Try To Compare (19 pics)

Habits don’t change, even with age

4 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“My grandmother at the age of 48 and 70 — a great example of how the right man influences a woman!”

5 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“My cat and me 14 years ago and us today!”

6 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“Kitchen in UV light”

7 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“From 540 lb to 320 lb in 5 years”

8 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“The baby horse is all grown up, but still sleeps with his teddy years later.” [


“My mom saved my dress all these years just for this moment right here.”

9 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“Found myself in a Berlin museum!”

10 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“This is Tyson and Snickers. Over the years, they’ve perfected the duo-snooze. Tyson always waits for Snickers to fall asleep first.”

11 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“Meet Copper. He came to us timid and afraid a few months ago when we left some leftover dinners in our front garden. Now he comes a few times a day for his (specially bought) chicken drumsticks, is a total sweetheart, and made a full recovery from the dangerous condition he was in.”

12 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“He looks all grown-up.”

13 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“Losing weight is awesome.”

14 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“55-year difference — my paternal grandma and me”

15 Try To Compare (19 pics)

This tall man and short woman

16 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“My dad and me in 2007, 2014, and 2019...”

17 Try To Compare (19 pics)

“The same place, 5 years later”

18 Try To Compare (19 pics)


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