These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Oct, 2019  |
  • Views: 2271  |
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Ate the wrapping on a lolly because trying to peel the wrapper off took too damn long.

1 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Used literally anything as a blanket because you've been too lazy to get up and actually get one.

2 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And turned your fan on just so you could sleep all wrapped up in your blankets.

3 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Fished a box out of the rubbish bin because you forgot what the cooking instructions said.

4 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And forced yourself to carry all the groceries in one trip, because you refuse to go back and forth.

5 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Cleaned your room or car and ashamedly thrown out countless half-full water bottles.

6 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And had to read the backs of random cleaning products while on the toilet because you forgot to bring your phone with you.

7 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Used your hands to draw on your couch or carpet because you were next-level bored.

8 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And made different patterns in the gross, dirty smudges all over your phone screen.

9 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Left a knife by the sink because you didn't know whether you wanted to make another sandwich or not.

10 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And tried to deal with sunburn by attempting to peel your skin off in one big piece.

11 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Turned down you car stereo so you could better focus on finding an address.

12 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And set alarms for every five minutes instead of just getting up after one.

13 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Put your hands down your underwear in a completely non-sexual way while chilling.

14 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Ran to the microwave to turn it off before it reached zero and started beeping.

15 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Recited the entire alphabet to find out which letter comes before the other.

16 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Pretended to get a change of plans text after realising you were walking the wrong way the entire time.

17 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Dropped a bunch of ice on the floor and kicked it under the fridge instead of just picking it up.

18 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And looked in the fridge, realised there's nothing, but went back five minutes later to do the exact same thing.

19 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And lied about the date on your assignment to make it look like you didn't do it the night before it was due.

20 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

Deleted your entire password when you typed one letter wrong, instead of just editing it.

21 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)

And pretended to think about purchasing something after asking the price, even though you know damn well you can't afford it.

22 These Are Familiar To Everyone (22 pics)


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