The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Oct, 2019  |
  • Views: 3291  |
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Firing up your iPod and seeing this:

1 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

The moment your beloved Livestrong bracelet finally went to the great wristband heaven in the sky:

2 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Or, even worse, THIS:

3 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Going over your minutes and being forced to wait till 9 p.m. to communicate or face the wrath of your parents:

4 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Waiting days for your disposable camera's pictures to develop, only to find out your thumb ruined 95% of them:

5 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Checking your Netflix queue and seeing that every movie you REALLY want to see is a "very long wait":

6 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Or going to rent a movie and AGAIN not being able to get the one you wanted:

7 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Putting your freshly burned CD into a CD player and seeing THIS:

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Or taking out your favorite CD or DVD and seeing this awful sight:

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And then trying to save it by rubbing a random fruit on it, because that's what the internet said to do:

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Murdering your computer while trying to download a Blink-182 song:

11 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Downloading a 3MB file and seeing that it's going to take a lifetime:

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Misspelling a word on your super-cool custom Converse:

13 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Trying to record the perfect ringtone and getting RUDELY interrupted midsong:

14 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Spending your entire day organizing your music collection, just to have iTunes quit on you:

15 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Minding your own business on Internet Explorer and having it crash every 5 to 10 minutes:

16 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Missing the channel you wanted to check on and having to sit there like a big ol' dummy dumb-dumb:

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Seeing this horrible sight on your Xbox:

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Or this on your PS2:

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Just, like, having to replace batteries all the damn time:

20 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Clicking on a link your friend sent you and getting the daylights scared out of you:

21 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Missing the best part of your favorite show because you couldn't pause it:

22 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Having to be off the internet the whole dang day:

23 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

Trying to take a super-grainy picture with your old busted flip phone and getting a "NO ROOM AVAILABLE" message:

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Or, if you didn't have a phone, having to do this:

25 The Worst Moments From The Past (25 pics)

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