Useless Inventions (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 5169  |
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A belt to honk at slow walkers!

1 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

When you’re an emotional person and need to wipe away tears immediately:

2 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

When you’re a hooligan, but hygiene comes first:

3 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

For all the ladies who want to swim in style

4 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

If you’re hungry, all you have to do is pick up some tomato, ham, and cheese and you’re good to go!

5 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Pizza lovers will definitely appreciate this one!

6 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Who doesn’t need a clip-on man bun, right?

7 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Airpod chopsticks so you’re always ready to chow down

8 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Not sure if this is weird or actually genius...

9 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

We can’t discriminate against a cyclops.

10 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

The perfect chainsaw

11 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

The pre-cracked egg business must be booming!

12 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Yes, you’re seeing this right — these are croc gloves.

13 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

How to have a picnic anywhere:

14 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

He does look like he’s going fast, but still, don’t try this at home.

15 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

For the extra lazy people out there!

16 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Noodles are too hot? Say no more!

17 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Don’t buy this as a gift for anyone, trust us.

18 Useless Inventions (24 pics)


19 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

When your fish wants to go on a walk:

20 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

When football season is back and you’ve prepared yourself in a sporty manner:

21 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

For the ladies who like to be in shape, but also enjoy wine:

22 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Admit it — it does look nice, doesn’t it?

23 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

Never leave footsteps or make a sound again!

24 Useless Inventions (24 pics)

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