Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 8140  |
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"Not what I expected in my ham & cheese panini"

1 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"Walmart replaced the catagory labels in their grocery aisles with ads for their app."

2 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

This ATM that charges 40 € as a transaction fee in italy

3 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"The veggie scale at my local store plays ads when you want to buy anything and have to wait for it to end"

4 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"Company I bought my motorbike off want me to trade it in and buy a new one, they sent a letter with an urgent recall banner making it look like there's a safety fault."

5 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

6 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

7 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

8 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"This store that calls itself "99¢ ONLY" (Sells merch upwards of $12.99)"

9 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"Security adivce on my flight yesterday was interrupted to show ads"

10 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"Bought an “unscented” candle to use the wax for a project. Outside is unscented but inside is a cheaper wax and scented."

11 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

12 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"For weeks I couldn’t figure out how to unsubscribe."

13 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"My school decided to have a vending machine that shows Pepsi on the display but in reality, they had nothing but water."

14 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"If you don’t want our spam emails, we will flat out delete your account."

15 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

16 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

17 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

These spikes were put in to prevent people from sitting.

18 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

19 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

20 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

21 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"The incredibly small button to not be put on an E-mail list."

22 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"Spotted at the airport on Seattle. Asked an employee and he said it was art strategically placed to keep people from laying down to sleep there."

23 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

24 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

"The fact that to eliminate your account you have to talk to them."

25 Trust In Humanity Lost Again (25 pics)

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