Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 1262  |
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My 72-year-old dad graduated from college with honors.

1 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

91 year old Donald Doll receives his high school diploma after leaving before graduation to join the Navy in 1945

2 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

And now he graduated!

3 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

My dad just graduated at the age of 71. My mum wanted a nice picture of her boys'

4 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

99 yr old Doreetha Daniels became the oldest graduate ever at the College of the Canyons today.

5 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

From fruit seller to this university’s oldest graduate

6 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

My dad, earning his bachelors degree, summa cum laude, at 62 years young. He is so happy and I am so proud.

7 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

I graduated with my mom last May and it was a very proud day for my grandma!

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Over 100 years old? Time is still ripe to graduate.

9 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

Choo Siew Eng graduated from the prestigious NTU at the age of 56.

10 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

My 72-year-old grandmother graduating from college in 1991— she’s the coolest granny ever.

11 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

Today my 73-year-old grandma finally graduates high school.

12 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

Today, my 62 year old immigrant grandmother graduated with a bachelor's in accounting & finance today from CSUF. I couldn't be more proud of her!

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The best part of my graduation ceremony last month, she got a standing ovation.

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Friend of mine graduated in Law School at the age of 94

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I was able to graduate university with my father today!

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Kiyoko Ozeki, 88, is the oldest person to earn a doctoral degree in Japan.

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My Mom graduating with her PhD in social work from Tulane. Her goal was to graduate by 60 and she did it with a year to spare. Super proud of her.

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When my grandmother became the oldest graduate of East Tennessee State University at the age of 87 years old!

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My dad and I (ages 51 and 25) just graduated from college in the same class!

20 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

72 years after being freed from a WWII internment camp, this 90-year-old couple finally got to graduate.

21 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)

80 year old woman Yasuko Fujii graduates from college earning a bachelors degree in the social sciences.

22 Elderly Graduates Are Awesome (22 pics)


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