Bad Bosses (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 4903  |
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Thanks, now I’ll be at work inspecting the bathroom

1 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

Get it together, Cody!

2 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss asked if I wanted to get a happy ending' massage together on a business trip.

3 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

A pie that I brought to work went missing. I found it later in my boss’ office.

4 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

I caught my boss living in the office after his divorce making his dinner always thought the coffee tasted odd.

5 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

The milk situation at work is starting to get a little serious.

6 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

We asked the boss for a suggestion box.

7 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

This is the drinking water filter at my work. It’s been getting darker by the day but my boss insists it’s still doing its job.

8 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss wasn’t in his office for our meeting, so I left him a note…found this on my desk afterward.

9 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss asked me to catch Koi fish from the pond.

10 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss censored my cleavage at work yesterday.

11 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

Apparently, my boss likes shopping for presents in dollar stores.

12 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss just walked up to me, completely deadpan, and slapped this post-it note on me.

13 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My girlfriend got a new job. This was a cake she got from her old boss.

14 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

He took me in the bathroom, offered me blow, I declined, he kissed me.

15 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

The property manager is cutting down the trees because it’s expensive to maintain them.

16 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss was tired of our wire cutters getting stolen. I’m not sure this will solve it.

17 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss ordered a box of 6,000 pepper packets instead of a shaker, so now I get to spend my Saturday cutting open packets for our burger seasoning.

18 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

When your good service rewards only your boss.

19 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss asked me to buy dresses during work hours for his mistress while using his car to go around from store to store until I found the model and size he wanted.

20 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss just handed me my paycheck

21 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

If your boss blocks Facebook, make your own!

22 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My coworker is coming back from Burning Man today, so my boss left this on his desk. I love my job.

23 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

The boss threw away all the desks and replaced them with dressers and a sheet of glass.

24 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss asked me to go buy a pipe for her to smoke her weed out of because she had a party she was going to later that night.

25 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

My boss’ solution to help my coworker keep her files in order

26 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

I asked my boss for an iMac and saw this when I came in this morning.

27 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

When some employees get $500 Christmas bonuses and you get this Christmas gift from the boss

28 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

The boss that doesn’t let anyone take party leftovers home.

29 Bad Bosses (30 pics)

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