Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 1755  |
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A genius way to hide chocolate

1 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

“I just give them controllers that aren’t hooked up and play like this for hours.”

2 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to motivate your child to do well in school:

3 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to teach kids multiplication:

4 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to make sure your kid stays put when you’re cooking:

5 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Now you can enjoy cooking BBQ without your little toddler getting too curious!

6 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Safety first!

7 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Fill up a glove with something and place it on your toddler’s back so they feel loved even when you need a nap!

8 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to keep your kid occupied during a long flight:

9 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Tape bubble wrap to the stairs if you want to prevent your kids from sneaking to look at the Christmas presents.

10 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Prevent your kids from spilling bubble mix by taping it to a pole.

11 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to keep your baby’s feet warm when you’re on a walk

12 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

How to tell your twins apart:

13 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Your kid doesn’t want to eat healthily? Just slice an apple and make it look like fries!

14 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

If you don’t have a bathtub, make one!

15 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Modify your child’s ride with pool noodles to save your ankles and walls!

16 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

A frozen sponge makes for a great and cheap icepack

17 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

Keep your kids safe on the trampoline with pool noodles.

18 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

When making ice cream cones, put a marshmallow at the bottom so it stops the ice cream from dripping.

19 Useful Parenting Advices (19 pics)

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