Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 1938  |
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1 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

2 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

3 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

4 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“George Orwell 1984, becomes less censored overtime.”

5 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“This important message I found in my newborn’s pyjama.”

6 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

7 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

8 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Fork at the Eiffel Tower is the Eiffel Tower.”

9 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“The barcode on this can of tuna is shaped like a boat in the sea!”

10 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

11 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

12 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“I was cheered up by this random Squirtle I found painted on the road of an old Italian town.”

13 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

14 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

15 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Cannabis garden in a cornfield.”

16 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“TIL there’s a little screw inside the PS4 with tiny buttons on it.”

17 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

18 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“If you manage to get to the back of this very old building in Utrecht, you will find a ‘crashed UFO’.”

19 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Text from a guitar pedal circuit board.”

20 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

21 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“This skateboard has artwork underneath the original layer of paint.”

22 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

23 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“The tops of the fence in front of this house match the roof.”

24 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Quite obvious, but the face guard for the football helmet on a Coke Zero can makes a Coke bottle.”

25 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“The metal plate from the back of our washing machine, look how happy he is!”

26 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Golf course in Saint Paul, MN has a Snoopy shaped bunker.”

27 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“This small french restaurant made specifically for mice in Sweden”

28 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

29 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“These sharks on top of Ripley’s Aquarium.”

30 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

31 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

“Mysterious keyhole on a rock outside my school.”

32 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

33 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

34 Real-Life Easter Eggs (34 pics)

My brother was assembling a table when suddenly…”

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