Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 3485  |
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“A perfectly timed flight attendant announcement froze this on the TVs and terrified the entire cabin.”

1 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“Red-eye flight from Seattle to NY and I don’t know these kids. That’s my seat in the middle.”

2 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

When Hurley from Lost is sitting next to you on the plane to LA, and you have a strange feeling about the flight...

3 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“Sister woke up on the plane to this.”

4 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“The 2 women behind us talked loudly the entire flight. Took this picture thinking my son was asleep.”

5 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“The humidity plus the onboard AC created this on my flight yesterday.”

6 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

When the toilet on your flight is that small...

7 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

Nothing special. Just penguins on the plane.

8 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“I booked my flight online and chose the ‘Vegetarian Oriental’ meal. This is what I got.”

9 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

When there’s a will, there’s a way.

10 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

The classics of being an unbearable front row neighbor

11 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“Paid $125 for window seat...”

12 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“Hulk Hogan was on my flight and he sat in an exit row. Never have I felt so safe on an aircraft.”

13 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

That’s how you know there’s a little kid in the front seat.

14 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“I was on one of those ‘Phantom flights’ today... It was eerie.”

15 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

“Our flight attendant insisted multiple times that my son ’turn off’ his device.”

16 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

Maybe it’s just us, but the way they fixed this window doesn’t really look safe...

17 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

Here’s why you’re not allowed to take scissors onboard.

18 Funny And Scary Airplane Flight Moments (18 pics)

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