Touching Stories (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 2357  |
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"I was cleaning my 11 year olds room and found a jar that said “take one in the morning”

1 Touching Stories (23 pics)

2 Touching Stories (23 pics)

3 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"today i went on a hike with this nearly blind lama. she trusted me so much -it was so wunderful, she always wanted to feel me close to her ♡ "

4 Touching Stories (23 pics)

5 Touching Stories (23 pics)

6 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"The two beauties were rescued from a slaughter house back in January of this year and there personalities have transformed to a steady state of jubilation! "

7 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"The first pic is me 2 years ago. The second pic is me a couple days ago. I beat my addiction to drugs and alcohol and I’m now a full-time student and jeweler. I couldn’t be happier or more proud of myself. "

8 Touching Stories (23 pics)

9 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"My husband and one of our twin sons about 19 years ago. My husband passed away in 2014 when our sons were fifteen. We will treasure this picture. It just makes me smile."

10 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"Celebrated 19 months sober this week. Signed a lease for my own 2 bedroom place without a cosigner for the first ever. Decided to treat myself to a trip to Knoxville and picked up a new roommate while I was there. Everybody say hello to Jack! "

11 Touching Stories (23 pics)

12 Touching Stories (23 pics)

13 Touching Stories (23 pics)

14 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"Today I had 3 random elderly people tell me how much my horse has changed their life and how he is all they talk about!! They also go out of their way to buy him hay or treats because they love him. "

15 Touching Stories (23 pics)

16 Touching Stories (23 pics)

17 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"I said goodbye to my scars a few months back. I finally feel comfortable in my skin again ❤️ To anyone struggling, it really does get better."

18 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"Eight years ago I entered a "Big Brother" type situation with an awkward 8 year old kid. We've been hanging out once a week ever since. Today he towers over me, can drive, kills it in school, and is someone I'm pround to call a friend. He came to visit me in my garden and we got a rare pic together."

19 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"Proposed to my HS sweetheart of 6 years today while in New Orleans for my 21st birthday. It's been a good ass weekend "

20 Touching Stories (23 pics)

21 Touching Stories (23 pics)

22 Touching Stories (23 pics)

"After being hospitalized for the 5th time this year, I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Finally on the right meds and have a diagnosis that makes sense. Took this in the parking lot yesterday after being released. It gets better."

23 Touching Stories (23 pics)

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