Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Sep, 2019  |
  • Views: 2708  |
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This bar that shows you what each beer looks like before you order one

1 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that has an ice strip to keep drinks cold

2 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar whose menu shows you just how strong and ~experimental~ each drink is

3 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)


4 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that shows how much of each beer is left via digital kegs

5 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that rewards safe drivers who opt to leave their cars overnight instead of driving drunk

6 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that installed Questionable Sanitary Head Rests™ for intoxicated urinal pees

7 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This outdoor bar that provides sunscreen along with the condiments — and at nighttime, they switch to bug spray

8 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that exclusively hires Deaf bartenders and teaches its customers how to order in American Sign Language

9 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that offers lockers that can charge your phone

10 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that serves Tetris tater tots, thus making it socially acceptable to play with food

11 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that has a urinal with NOT ONLY a splash guard, but ALSO a place to put your drink

12 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that has a Breathalyzer built into the wall

13 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that offers a safe solution known as an "Angel Shot"

14 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that has a glass window in the bathroom so you can still watch The Big Game™ while you're takin' a tinkle

15 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar near the Mexico border that teaches its customers how to be a good guest in another country

16 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

This bar that repurposes lost credit cards as guitar picks

17 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

And lastly, this bar that offers a *special* toilet for you to yarf in

18 Awesome Bar Ideas (18 pics)

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