Japan Is Different (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Aug, 2019  |
  • Views: 4417  |
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“Human Uber” helps people to attend events remotely using the body of another person.

1 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Certain subways in Japan give you a helping hand with your bike.

2 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

These movie tickets from the “Ghibli” museum are made of frames from different Ghibli movies.

3 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Solar-powered Robot Wolves are protecting the crops of Japanese farmers.

4 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

In Japan, they gave me a little milk mug for left and right-handed people alongside my coffee.

5 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Some restaurants are really private in this country. The waiters here serve visitors without seeing them.

6 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

A sign in the Narita airport of Japan says “welcome to Japan” in English, while the Japanese text says “welcome back.”

7 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Geodude was named the ambassador of Iwate Prefecture (part of an administrative district) in Japan.

8 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

There is a special button in some Japanese taxis that asks the driver go slower.

9 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Speed trains here go super smoothly.

10 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

The check-out counters in some Japanese bakeries can recognize items automatically and add up the total cost of the order.

11 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Airports in Japan arrange luggage by color so that passengers can easily find their suitcase.

12 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Figures of famous characters on store shelves often wear eye-catching clothes.

13 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Some cafes in Tokyo clearly mark each customer’s space at the counter.

14 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Japanese employees, exhausted after work.

15 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Spas for Capybaras — the Japanese love them.

16 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

The Musashino Waste Plant in Japan has a diner where people can watch trash being processed.

17 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

Nara City is literally filled with deer who have taken over the area.

18 Japan Is Different (18 pics)

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