Looks Weird (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Aug, 2019  |
  • Views: 2269  |
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1 Looks Weird (22 pics)

“My toothpaste came out looking like a nose.”

2 Looks Weird (22 pics)

3 Looks Weird (22 pics)

4 Looks Weird (22 pics)

“We grew an eggplant that looks like the poop emoji.”

5 Looks Weird (22 pics)

“My plant grew a pair of legs.”

6 Looks Weird (22 pics)

When a boiled egg turns out slightly different than expected:

7 Looks Weird (22 pics)

“The statue outside my house”

8 Looks Weird (22 pics)

9 Looks Weird (22 pics)

10 Looks Weird (22 pics)

The coffee stain on the counter is telling you to just relax!

11 Looks Weird (22 pics)

12 Looks Weird (22 pics)

“My partner left an artichoke out while we were on vacation and it started to sprout a flower.”

13 Looks Weird (22 pics)

Why are you like this?

14 Looks Weird (22 pics)

When your parrots are sick of you not washing the windows:

15 Looks Weird (22 pics)

This beautiful kid goat with spiral ears that look like long hair:

16 Looks Weird (22 pics)

17 Looks Weird (22 pics)

18 Looks Weird (22 pics)

Apparently there’s been a glitch in the matrix.

19 Looks Weird (22 pics)

20 Looks Weird (22 pics)

A textured egg vs A regular egg

21 Looks Weird (22 pics)

22 Looks Weird (22 pics)

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