The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Aug, 2019  |
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“Finally found my first Megalodon tooth after years of hunting shark teeth.”

1 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Somebody found this magnificent Mexican blue-collared lizard.

2 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“I had never seen a baby bat before, I thought maybe others hadn’t either.”

3 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Ever wondered how big squids really are? A giant one washed up on New Zealand’s beach recently.

4 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

A flying fish: Yes, they exist. The image is not photoshopped. The Exocoetidae are fishes who have evolved and developed the ability to fly.

5 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“A baby squid I found in Kallithea, Greece today”

6 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“I just found a one in a million starfish.”

7 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

A Transparent Leaf — When the tissues of a leaf are damaged, the leaf loses its color and appears to be transparent. A crystal clear transparent leaf with a structure still intact is an amazingly rare find.

8 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“My sister found an albino hedgehog in New Zealand.”

9 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“While walking on the beach in Hawaii my wife and I found this glass ball that had become the home to a small marine ecosystem.”

10 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

A blue crayfish: Have you ever seen one?

11 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Mastodon Tooth: “That’s a big tooth. It’s only partially rooted but I’m still pretty stoked about it. It’s by far one of the coolest things I have found while creek walking.”

12 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Did you know that a baby platypus is called a puggle? The person below is holding one. Puggle-snuggle.

13 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“I found this mammoth abalone shell at a vintage place. Yes, it came home with me. That’s my arm under there somewhere.”

14 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“My nephew found a sea shell with squid eggs inside.”

15 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“I found a leaf as big as the steering wheel in my car.”

16 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

According to Irish legend, whoever finds a clover with 5 leaves receives financial success. I guess someone is getting really wealthy.

17 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

This stone is perfectly shaped like a guitar pick. We wonder if it can play.

18 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“This cotton candy lobster gets its color from either genetic mutations or low-pigment food sources.”

19 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Have you ever found a baby fruit inside a grown-up fruit? This person found a mini-orange inside an orange.

20 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“I found a rock shaped like an actual heart.”

21 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

Is it a rock? Is it a shell? It’s a crinoid. A sea creature related to a starfish. It’s also called sea lily.

22 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“This strawberry I found in my garden looks like an orchid.”

23 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“A chunk of quartz found in Arkansas worth $4 million.”

24 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

“This garlic I found in my garden. The entire head is one clove.”

25 The Most Unique Things People Have Ever Held (25 pics)

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