Childhood Memories (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Aug, 2019  |
  • Views: 2990  |
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Birthday parties at McDonald’s were the coolest!

1 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Monopoly, a game that brought everyone together

2 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

“A photo of me cradling Pokémon cards.”

3 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Those iconic crackers were in every school cafeteria!

4 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

“Lunch tasted better when it came out of my Ninja Turtles lunchbox.”

5 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Texting in the 80s

6 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Disney VHS tapes were a true treasure chest!

7 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Almost all the dads looked like this in the 90s. The moustache was trendy!

8 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Windows video guide, Friends edition!

9 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Remember playing pogs?

10 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

You were the hippest kid on the block, if you had a Game Boy!

11 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Ring Pops were a thing!

12 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

“I see your cafeteria pizza and I raise you Minute Maid Juice Bars.”

13 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

The old folks remember, 7Up wasn’t always green!

14 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Superhero comics collection was worth all your pocket change!

15 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

How many of you flew off this thing?

16 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

“You pretty much ruled the land if you had the 64-count box of crayons WITH the sharpener, no less.”

17 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Michelangelo was every boy’s favorite character!

18 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

If you had this yellow Walkman, you were a middle school legend!

19 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

McDonald’s old menu (look at those prices!)

20 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

The Casio electronic diary was something from the future!

21 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Remember the time when McDonald’s served birthday cakes!

22 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

“Fruit snacks” were part of every kid’s lunchbox.

23 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Mall arcades on Friday nights in the 90s

24 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

This was one of the coolest activities in gym class in the 90s!

25 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

26 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Scented Markers in childhood seemed to smell no worse than mom’s perfume!

27 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

You’re a true 90s kid, if you remember these pencils!

28 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Every 90s kid knows this little girl from the Pepsi commercials!

29 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

The essence of a 90s bedroom

30 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Anyone else have a pair of these 4-wheel roller skates?

31 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Walt Disney World in the 90s!

32 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

33 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

90s Taco Bell looked so futuristic!

34 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

Computer clubs in the 90s were the best place to hang out!Computer clubs in the 90s were the best place to hang out!

35 Childhood Memories (35 pics)

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