Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jul, 2019  |
  • Views: 5497  |
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To be fair, The Simpsons did it first.

1 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Here’s wishing all of us a “Happy Fat Day!”

2 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Not only did they use string cheese like this... they didn’t even pull it apart.

3 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Is it really that hard to turn the sticker upside down?

4 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

These pens are so close, yet so far away.

5 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

“We have 3 sinks... Do we really need 5 paper towel dispensers?”

6 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

This is why people hate sliding puzzles.

7 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

At least both doors close all the way...

8 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Goodbye, yellow brick road...

9 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Binders like this are the perfect reason to start taking your laptop to class.

10 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

We almost had a perfect rainbow... and that’s not getting into the fact they forgot indigo...

11 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

They really need to invent erasers that work on eraser residue... or maybe just better erasers?

12 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

“Finnish milk cartons changed the way they are opened — I refuse to participate.”

13 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

There’s always that one sausage that has to be the big man and cause trouble.

14 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

You know... those flaps are supposed to help you hold onto the box.

15 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

One of these things is not like the others.

16 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

When the fortune cookies have turned on us, is there anything left to believe in?

17 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

Somebody was probably paid to come up with this idea.

18 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

C’mon... the price is already on the can, you bloodsuckers!

19 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

“So I wanted a KitKat, but apparently someone at the factory went on break during the WAFER PART...”

20 Bad Things In The World (20 pics)

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