This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Jul, 2019  |
  • Views: 3205  |
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This store has a fake rock so you can test out hiking shoes before buying them.

1 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This clothing store has a Sub-Zero “Winter Simulator” that allows you to test the clothes you’re buying in sub-zero temps and high winds.

2 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This hotel wants you to take the nice soap home!

3 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“The parking lot where I left my car has a free breathalyzer so you can check your alcohol level before driving.”

4 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“My empanadas have the filling stamped on to them.”

5 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“This is the waiting room at my niece’s dentist.”

6 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

The Philadelphia airport has a fake fire hydrant for service dogs and traveling pets to urinate on.

7 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This visual definition of specialty coffee options can help anyone figure out what various coffee types are all about.

8 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This restaurant has basil plants at every table so you can cut fresh basil for your soup.

9 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“My hotel has an emergency polka button.”

10 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“My local cinema puts chips in a popcorn box so you won’t annoy the other movie watchers with the bag crinkling.”

11 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This stairway shows you how many calories (to the third decimal place) you burn climbing each step.

12 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“My local supermarket now has a googly-eyed robot whose sole purpose is to patrol the aisles looking for spills. Its name is Marty.”

13 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“After work, my uncle, who lives in Turkey, found his car like this. They were painting lines on the ground, couldn’t find him to move his car, and covered his car in plastic to protect it from the color spray.”

14 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This airport has a suite for lactation.

15 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

Hamburg authorities have installed mini libraries on some buses so that passengers won’t feel bored on their trip.

16 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

South Korea also has launched trains with mini libraries.

17 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

Carts in this supermarket have a map showing the location of certain products.

18 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“This is the orange juice machine at my university that squeezes the juice out of the oranges right in front of you!”

19 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“The FedEx driver wrapped my package in plastic to protect it from the rain. Thanks, nice human.!”

20 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

This local grocery store in Sweden has a “parking spot for dogs” that comes with an automatic fan system, heated floor during winter, and an automatic cleaning after every visit.

21 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

The Paignton Zoo in the UK has dryers for your glasses to stop them from fogging up when you enter more humid buildings.

22 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

How do you quickly boost your customers’ mood? Build this display with cookies!

23 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

“My grocery store bags items in blue bags if they’re cold, so you can put them away first.”

24 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

Bonus: McDonald’s just opened a small restaurant for bees.

25 This Is What A Good Service Means (25 pics)

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