Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Jun, 2019  |
  • Views: 2854  |
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Ketchup in a shaker? This is something new.

1 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that does its food prep like this:

2 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And the restaurant that thaws its chicken like this:

3 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that serves its chili with a bolt and screw in it:

4 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that felt compelled to put up this sign:

5 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And — yikes — the restaurant that felt compelled to put up this one:

6 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that has big rats running around the back:

7 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And the restaurant that has little ones out front:

8 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant where the cook sprays pesticides out front while wearing his apron:

9 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And the restaurant with this charming mirror:

10 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that has been THROUGH it:

11 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And, well, ditto for this restaurant:

12 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant that feels the need to brag about this:

13 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And the restaurant with a server who pulls this hustle:

14 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

The restaurant where the workers stand on the counter (near the food prep station) without shoes on:

15 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

And the restaurant that dumps giant vats of grease down the sewer on the sly:

16 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

A croissant on an upside down plate and coffee in a ramekin. A fresh look at the word “luxury.”

17 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

Why would they need to cut it this way?

18 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

They’re not dirty, they were designed this way.

19 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

It seems logical but...

20 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

Your knees should feel “comfortable”.

21 Bad Restaurants (21 pics)

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