Awesome Designs (33 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Jun, 2019  |
  • Views: 5928  |
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This dish shows a Shinto shrine when you pour soy sauce on it.

1 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

“My and my husband’s wedding rings have each other’s fingerprints engraved on them.”

2 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

The wrapping of these chocolates makes them look like Brussels sprouts.

3 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

The surface of this pan makes hexagonal oil shapes.

4 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

A dome in this pond lets the fish go above the water level and look at the people around.

5 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This picture is different in the mirror.

6 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

You can easily reach anything in this refrigerator thanks to its revolving shelves.

7 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This hexagonal graph paper was specially designed for taking notes on organic chemistry. It looks very handy, doesn’t it?

8 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This ball is actually honey and you can drop it into your tea.

9 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

The tires of these bikes have no air, and you don’t need to inflate them.

10 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This plate has a painted fly as part of the design.

11 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

A chocolate bar that is divided into unequal pieces

12 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

These sanitary pads have curious facts printed on the other side.

13 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

You can keep this spoon on the mug without dipping it into the drink.

14 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

A Sudoku board that uses colors instead of numbers

15 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This manhole cover is the Aztec sun stone.

16 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This water bottle has a mountain as its logo and at the bottom.

17 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

Bottle caps that show coordinates of the best camping and fishing locations

18 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This napkin perfectly matches the design of the plate.

19 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This coffee is served with a cloud of “cotton candy” in a restaurant in Shanghai. The coffee vapor rises to dissolve the “cotton candy” and the cloud begins to rain with sugar over the coffee.

20 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

Cat car seat covers

21 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

All parents need to know the secret of preparing these carrot fish!

22 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This Bluetooth shower column is powered by a micro-hydroelectric generator.

23 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

“My vocabulary book comes with a red filter to obscure the answers.”

24 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

The bathroom stalls here are hung from the ceiling to make the process of cleaning the floor easier.

25 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

The soap dispenser for this sink is a tiny sink.

26 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This door is curved to accommodate the curved wall.

27 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This pizza box has a handle in the middle to keep the pizza flat.

28 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

They make shoes from recycled gum in Amsterdam.

29 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

Bar stand and aquarium — 2 in 1

30 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

“My new sheets have tags identifying the long side and the short side.”

31 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

A kindergarten building in the shape of a cat

32 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

This painted sink is a real masterpiece. Don’t you agree?

33 Awesome Designs (33 pics)

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