3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Jun, 2019  |
  • Views: 2172  |
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Recently, one Internet user named Andrea shared some pictures from her niece’s birthday

1 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

2 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

Her niece named Lucia that lives in Monterrey, Mexico is definitely a unique child as she demanded to have her birthday party theme on the movie ‘The Nun’, a mystery/thriller that came out last September. In an interview, her aunt Andrea said “I was laughing so hard when I first saw the theme of the party, I thought it was a joke at first but turns out Lucia had insisted on it being based on the Nun.”

3 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

Lucia first saw the movie at her grandmother’s house and insisted on watching all of it

4 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

After watching the movie, Lucia insisted on her birthday party having this theme

5 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

Lucia even got a response from ‘The nun’ herself

6 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

7 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

Laura, Lucia’s mother, says the demonic nun has been her daughter’s favorite movie character since she watched the movie.

8 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

After this post, people started sharing images of other kid’s parties that had similar scary themes

9 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

10 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

11 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

12 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

13 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

14 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

American horror movie filmmaker Jordan Peele even offered himself to be Lucia’s godfather

15 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

While others couldn’t help but share their fascination with this unique girl

16 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

17 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

18 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

19 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

20 3-Year-Old Picks A Horror Movie As Her Birthday Party Theme (20 pics)

№1 Author: No1 (11 Jun 2019 04:00) Total user comments: 1621

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What kind of sh*t trash parent lets their 3-year-old watch horror movies???

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