Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Nov, 2018  |
  • Views: 1575  |

The video game business is getting more and more like the movie business. Gone are the days when you could just churn out five or six successful games a year with a small development team and a little design experience; making a successful title is the culmination of years of work, involving hundreds of people, and when release day finally approaches it’s like the premiere of a brand new Hollywood blockbuster. Everybody goes crazy for it, everybody wants to be involved, and everybody wants the merchandise. 

That’s right, top games have tie in merchandise. And we’re not talking t-shirts; they’ve been around for decades. In the modern age, your video game franchise isn’t worth a dime if it hasn’t broken through into the world of slot machines. If you’re not appearing in the casinos as well as on the XBox or the PlayStation, you haven’t hit the big time yet!

A lot of physical slot machines are now playable online, so you can check out what’s available by heading to a site with a good variety of titles, of which If you’d like a little more detail, though, here’s our top five slot games based on video gaming titles.

1 Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

5. Street Fighter

We’re starting off big. If you don’t know what Street Fighter is, then frankly we have no idea what you’re doing on our site, so we won’t bore you by recapping the history of the franchise. If you’re familiar with it, you already know it’s big business. It even spawned an incredibly bad movie back in the 1990s. It’s an active series, which the latest, souped up versions of Street Fighter V being released only this year, and it’s made household names out of its primary characters, Ryu and Ken. Street Fighter is a brand name that most people are aware of, and that makes it a good candidate for a casino slot game.

The slot game itself focuses on the classic “Street Fighter II” entry in the series, offering you the choice of five characters to choose as your player when the game begins, and pitching you into battle against Bison. It’s a five reel, 25 payline offering with a neat twist; if you make it through to the bonus round and face Bison, you get a large prize if you win, and a small one if you lose. That actually means you win either way. With plenty of sound and graphics cues from the classic game, this slot game will evoke pure nostalgia for players of a certain age. 

2 Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

4. Hitman

Hitman might not have the same level of brand awareness that Street Fighter does, but it’s still well known. There’s been a movie based on the game, and there’s even a pro wrestler named Low-Ki who often heads to the ring dressed like the game’s title character, Agent 47. There are plenty of people who know and love the Hitman franchise; more than enough to base a slot game around it. And so, somebody has!

Breaking with the more traditional format of fixed reels and paylines, Hitman offers 5 reels but fifteen paylines which aren’t fixed, which means there are fifteen chances to win every time you spin the reels. You can choose to play fewer paylines for a lower price if you wish, although that does of course reduce your chances of winning.

3 Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

3. Resident Evil

If you think you’re spotting a trend here, you may be right. Every game we’ve listed so far as found fresh life as a movie, as well as a new home the casino world. Ever since the days of the original PlayStation, Resident Evil and its army of zombies have been scaring us witless with each new installment. The series of games has been imitated often but never bettered, and it’s another franchise where new games continue to be released.

This is a five reel, twenty payline offering that boasts a whole range of symbols anyone familiar with the game series will recognize. You might wonder how a Resident Evil title could work without the opportunity to shoot zombies. It wouldn’t! That’s exactly what you can get up to in the bonus rounds, If you can pick your shots accurately, you’ll find multipliers become available to boost your maximum prize. Just be careful not to get bitten. You know what happens when you get bitten!

4 Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

2. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Lara Croft is nothing short of a feminist gaming icon. She’s every bit as famous as Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog, and she has one more good movie than either of them. Yes, we know there’s a Mario Brothers film. We said ‘good movie’. If you’re a fan of the world’s best known virtual archaeologist, you’ll find plenty of her in this game. She’s there for the video introduction, and represented by two separate symbols when the game begins.

Collecting several of the Lara symbols will offer you either free spins or access to bonus rounds, so pay attention to how many of them are on the screen. Like the Hitman title, this game offers five reels and adjustable paylines, although keeping the original fifteen in play boosts your chances of finding a winner.

5 Top 5 Slot Games Based On Video Games

1. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

It was only a matter of time before this franchise expanded. In couples where one partner is a gamer and the other isn’t, the non-gaming partner shudders whenever a new ‘Call of Duty’ game is released. They know they’re not going to see their significant other for a while. The games are immersive, addictive, and highly lucrative.

The bonus round actually offers seasoned Call of Duty players the chance to earn money from their skills; it’s all about shooting accuracy, and pulling off head shots. The more kills you can make, the better your prizes will be. If you’re a real sharpshooter, you’ll be able to land five hits in a row and call in an airstrike. Happily, the airstrikes in this slot game drop multipliers on the field of play. This is a very solid tie in, and more than deserving of our number one spot.