Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Nov, 2018  |
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1 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

2 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

3 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

4 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

5 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

6 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

7 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

8 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

9 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

10 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

11 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

12 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

13 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

14 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

15 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

16 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

17 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

18 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

19 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

20 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

21 Companies Will Always Exploit Their Employees (21 pics)

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№1 Author: Stonewater (12 Nov 2018 10:03) Total user comments: 231

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Amazon has become one of Ohio’s largest employers, after receiving tens of millions of dollars of state tax incentives for building warehouses, data centers and other projects along the way but still pay their employees poorly.
In five of six states, Amazon showed up in the top 20 on a list of employers with the most Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP- the federal initiative previously known as food stamps) recipients. In Arizona, one in three Amazon employees depends on SNAP while one in 10 employees in Pennsylvania and Ohio need the program to help pay for food. Even in states where Amazon isn’t a top employer, like Kansas, it ranks among the top companies for the number of employees using SNAP at the beginning of 2018.
But nationwide, in every state Walmart tops the list of companies with employees on SNAP.

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