Scary Facts (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Oct, 2018  |
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1 Scary Facts (22 pics)

2 Scary Facts (22 pics)

3 Scary Facts (22 pics)

4 Scary Facts (22 pics)

5 Scary Facts (22 pics)

6 Scary Facts (22 pics)

7 Scary Facts (22 pics)

8 Scary Facts (22 pics)

9 Scary Facts (22 pics)

10 Scary Facts (22 pics)

11 Scary Facts (22 pics)

12 Scary Facts (22 pics)

13 Scary Facts (22 pics)

14 Scary Facts (22 pics)

15 Scary Facts (22 pics)

16 Scary Facts (22 pics)

17 Scary Facts (22 pics)

18 Scary Facts (22 pics)

19 Scary Facts (22 pics)

20 Scary Facts (22 pics)

21 Scary Facts (22 pics)

22 Scary Facts (22 pics)

№1 Author: Stonewater (8 Oct 2018 00:06) Total user comments: 231

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#9) Nonsense. A rack would never rip someone in half. It would first quite painfully pull their shoulders out of the shoulder sockets and then their femurs out of those in their hips.
Long before the limbs were separated from the torso, the arteries inside would tear apart and they'd bleed out internally.
A much more gruesome death (that was carried out a few times) was being hanged, drawn, and quartered:
The full punishment was made up of the following - the victim was:
Hanged by the neck until almost dead (hanged).
Removed from hanging and placed on a table. Still alive, the victim was cut open in the abdomen and his intestines and sex organs removed (drawn). The removed organs were burned in a flame, prepared close to the prisoner while they still lived.
The victim's head was cut off, and the rest of the body hacked into four parts or quarters (quartered).

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