Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Aug, 2018  |
  • Views: 4582  |
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1 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

2 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

3 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

4 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

5 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

6 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

7 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

8 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

9 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

10 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

11 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

12 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

13 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

14 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

15 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

16 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

17 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

18 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

19 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

20 Shower Thoughts (20 pics)

№1 Author: Maxid (11 Aug 2018 19:30) Total user comments: 694

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#1 isn't true. You had to earn that penny before you could save it, so it was taxed. Unless you stole the penny and got away with it, or didn't report it as income.

#14 is also untrue. Your rate of pay is directly determined by how much money customers are willing to spend to consume the product or service you provide (and how much you and your employer decide you should be paid.) Just compare somewhat rare trapeze performers with ubiquitous software developers. Developers are pretty much interchangeable but earn far more money.

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