Girls with Weed (82 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 2 Apr, 2010  |
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Girls with Weed (82 pics)

№1 Author: bananahana (2 Apr 2010 01:57) Total user comments: 0

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wow these girls smokes!so should too . because they look pretty even after they smoke, it won't be too bad if i smokie even if im 12, some kids at school snoke, and they say it's ok because you feel relaxed. and they loook good notbad, mom lied about looking ugly if you smoke and have bad lungs. those ppl that smoke at my school have good lungs and they are pretty. i would like to try somedday :) it' won't hurt just once,
№2 Author: omar (2 Apr 2010 02:06) Total user comments: 0

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dont be stupid bananahana i lost my brother becouse he used to think the same shit like u stupid little boy grow up mothefucker 46
№3 Author: zenone (2 Apr 2010 02:33) Total user comments: 335

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№4 Author: warprisoner (2 Apr 2010 02:56) Total user comments: 258

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They're showing the 0,05% of weed smoking girls that are still hot as hell.
It almost makes me forget about the other 99.95% that are humonguously fat after years of munchies.
№5 Author: Duff (2 Apr 2010 04:48) Total user comments: 0

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this was amazing!!
№6 Author: the_dado_666 (2 Apr 2010 05:50) Total user comments: 2357

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15 29
№7 Author: MathIsHard (2 Apr 2010 06:26) Total user comments: 1404

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I've said it before (and I'll keep saying it):

The Time Is Right!

The Time Is Now!

I Believe, California...

p.s. @ bananahana: 12 years old is too young for any vice
p.p.s. @ omar: sorry to hear about your bro, but I have never heard of someone dying from weed
p.p.p.s. @ warprisoner: all the stoner chicks I've ever gotten to know were actually pretty skinny
№8 Author: Ty Webb (2 Apr 2010 07:57) Total user comments: 6156

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Pic # 6 looks like a guy. If it is a girl than she is FUGLY...awesome buds though.

And I agree with all of Math's PS"S

I have not indulged in over 14 years and the only difference I see is how funky the bowls are. They are very boulbus. Oh and since the hippie thing died the girls got hotter they wear less and they smell much better. A lot of the hippy chicks in the 90's were dirty Imean smelly not clean dirty not she tickles her ass with a chicken dirty.

One last thing ...Does anyone do gravity bongs any more. I used to love those. I do not even drink any more but I used to have a lot of fun with the smoky sticky kind buds.
№9 Author: returnin man (2 Apr 2010 09:36) Total user comments: 28

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№10 Author: Ibn (2 Apr 2010 10:17) Total user comments: 8

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I do not like this shit to smoke. Drink vodka should.
№11 Author: U Suck (2 Apr 2010 10:50) Total user comments: 0

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They look American. Hopefully these girls have already been identified and arrested for their illegal activity.
№12 Author: laskjdfweiru (2 Apr 2010 11:20) Total user comments: 0

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these girls love to suck the dealers dick too ^^
№13 Author: parodysrivas (2 Apr 2010 13:57) Total user comments: 934

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right now I'm going to roll one!!60
№14 Author: Shay (2 Apr 2010 14:09) Total user comments: 1297

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№15 Author: Nuclearbunny (2 Apr 2010 17:55) Total user comments: 181

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44 yea !
№16 Author: VelveTongue (2 Apr 2010 18:19) Total user comments: 1052

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why smoke when you can blow?
№17 Author: Haro (2 Apr 2010 19:24) Total user comments: 551

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№18 Author: Ghnosto (2 Apr 2010 21:08) Total user comments: 393

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THE LAST is awesome

ii loved
№19 Author: TheAntiVillain (2 Apr 2010 22:14) Total user comments: 161

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the one with the gas mask could possibly die from asphyxiation
№20 Author: little.bit.of.epic. (2 Apr 2010 22:46) Total user comments: 32

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i really wonder if these girls are legit, or if they just pose for a camera.
in the end, its dumba nd expensive.
№21 Author: Poontang_Punisher (3 Apr 2010 01:15) Total user comments: 1257

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girls + weed what else can you ask for 78 44 68
№22 Author: Barsa (3 Apr 2010 02:31) Total user comments: 89

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60 44 56
№23 Author: helltwist (3 Apr 2010 05:51) Total user comments: 0

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@ omar
Wtf? No one can die from weed. >.>
Maybe from the addiction itself, but not from smoking the actual plant.

I have never smoked weed, nor will I do so in the future, but cannabis is one of the best substances known to man. Imagine all the things we could do with it. It's much better than half the shit that's legal anyway. Ffs, all it does is fry your brain cells (over time), and might impair your judgment. Tobacco and alcohol does all that and much, much more. God help you if you have too much of it. :/

Fuck the government. Legalize the weed, already.
№24 Author: eHoT (3 Apr 2010 09:35) Total user comments: 126

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Drugs that sucks) Stupid morons...
№25 Author: mido (3 Apr 2010 10:16) Total user comments: 0

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What the relation between bieng nacked and smocking weed
cant they smoke while wearing thier cloths?
№26 Author: 400 (3 Apr 2010 11:12) Total user comments: 411

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07 07 82
№27 Author: RainbowBitch (3 Apr 2010 13:43) Total user comments: 474

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now i really want a joint..
№28 Author: olexo (3 Apr 2010 15:43) Total user comments: 839

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№29 Author: Louie (4 Apr 2010 00:37) Total user comments: 8189

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№30 Author: Guezos (4 Apr 2010 02:53) Total user comments: 0

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ugly people is ugly
beautys are beautys..
weed wont make you look better
and it wont make you look worst..
but it'll make you look stupid while you're high XD


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